Barnyard Chicken Manual
Welcome to the Amazing world of Amaretto Barnyard Birds!
What you need to get started:
- Barnyard Bird Starter Nest
- Barnyard Birds Combo Incubator
- Barnyard Bird Scratch
- Barnyard Bird Leafy Greens
Once you have unpacked your starter pack:
- rez a Barnyard Bird Starter nest from your inventory on the ground.
- Click the nest and select the "birth" option.
- You will see a pop up “Do you want to birth this Barnyard Bird now?”
- Please select yes to birth your starter nest
From birth to 3 you will have a baby chick, then at age 4 your Chicken will become a adolescent and have grey textures, at 7 days old your chicken will receive its adult textures, and all traits will be revealed.
Barnyard birds start gaining Vigor at age 5, this happens automatically if the bird has over 85% vivacity.
When your bird turns 7 days old and has 100% vigor, 85% vivacity or higher, and awake your birds will mate.
When your Barnyard Bird mates the female will drop a nest immediately without a pregnancy and both parents will go in a 3 day “nesting” period, each parent will also loose 1 cycle.
After the nesting period is completed, you may restart the process again. A nest that you get from breeding two of your Barnyard Birds is considered a Non-Starter nest, you will need to incubate these eggs to be able to hatch them.
You can breed your Amaretto Barnyard Bird at any age over 7 days, if it has at least 1 cycle.
Each Amaretto Barnyard Bird starts out with at least 12 cycles.
To learn all about incubating please read over the Barnyard Birds Combo Incubator instructions included in the box.
If you are having issues with your Barnyard Bird not eating, please try the following tricks before filing a ticket:
1. Re-rez fixes 99% of the issues.
2. If the land is set to a group, are the Barnyard Bird and food set to that group?
3. If the land isn't set to a group, are the Barnyard Bird and food set to the same group as each other?
4. Check to see if the Barnyard Bird is set to the type of food out (more stats)
5. Re-set home position.
Remember your Barnyard Bird only eats once every 43 minutes so you may not notice a change immediately, be patient it takes 3 days for a Barnyard Bird to reach 0% hardiness and become sick.
If you need assistance please file a ticket @
Thank you for choosing an Amaretto Ranch Breedables product. Happy breeding!