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                "title": "Swedish Bantam",
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                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T21:07:13Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}}  *Swedish Bantam  On Dec 24, 2024 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back!  Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 traits that we announce.  February 24, 2025 Amaretto annouced the Qualified Breedings for the month of March!   For the entire month of March anytime you a Sussex Bantam to a Swedish Flower Bird you could get a special surprise!   The Swedish Bantam DOES have the ability to pass.  <gallery widt...\""
                "logid": 4129,
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                "title": "Wing Tip Gatsby",
                "pageid": 2147,
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                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}}  *Wing Tip Gatsby  On Dec 24, 2024 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back!  Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 traits that we announce.  On On Dec 24, 2024  Amaretto annouced the Qualified Breedings for the month of January!   For the entire month of January anytime you breed any Gold Faverolles Chickens together you could get a surprise!   The Wing Tip Gatsby DOES have the ability to pass.  <gallery w...\""
                "logid": 4128,
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                "title": "Wing Tip Bloody",
                "pageid": 2146,
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                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}}  *Wing Tip Bloody  On November 22, 2023 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back!  Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 traits that we announce.  On September 23 Amaretto annouced the Qualified Breedings for the month of October!   For the entire month of October anytime you breed any two Chickens one with Batty Bosom Bloody and one with Bloody Beak Color together you could get a special surprise!  The Win...\""
                "logid": 4127,
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                "title": "Peace and Love Batty Bosom",
                "pageid": 2145,
                "logpage": 2145,
                "revid": 3445,
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                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:59:12Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}}  *Peace and Love  On November 22, 2023 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back!  Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 traits that we announce.  On August 23, 2024 Amaretto annouced the Qualified Breedings for the month of September!   For the entire month of September anytime you breed any two Chickens with Birthday Coats together you could get a special surprise!   The Peace and Love Batty Bosom DOES hav...\""
                "logid": 4126,
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                "title": "Crazed Sebright",
                "pageid": 2144,
                "logpage": 2144,
                "revid": 3443,
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                "user": "Avalon",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:52:35Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}} *Sunfire Crazed Sebright *Mystic Shadow Crazed Sebright **Eye: Sepctrum  On November 22, 2023 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back!   Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 traits that we announce.  On April 23,2024 Amaretto annouced the Qualified Breedings for the month of May!  For the entire month of May anytime you breed any two Sebright together you could get a special surprise!  The Crazed Sebright...\""
                "logid": 4125,
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                "title": "Snowflake Beak Color",
                "pageid": 2143,
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                "revid": 3439,
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                "user": "Avalon",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:43:35Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"{{notoc}}  *Snowflake Beak Color  On November 22, 2023 Amaretto announced that Qualified Breedings were back! Beginning January 1st the Qualified Breedings were brought back! Each month you will have a chance at getting a surprises by breeding together 2 horses that have the coat we announce. Starting January 1st at noon, any time you breed together any 2 Craved Snowflake Chickens you could get a Snowflake Beak Color!  The Snowflake Beak Color coats a DO have the ability...\""
                "logid": 4124,
                "ns": 6,
                "title": "File:2024 Happy 14th Birthday Amaretto!.jpg",
                "pageid": 2142,
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                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:37:53Z",
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                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:37:42Z",
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                "user": "Avalon",
                "timestamp": "2025-03-14T20:37:42Z",
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